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Despite the fact that the economic situation remained unchanged from the previous 12 months, year 2013 began on the domestic market with a series of new projects, even if investors declared that...
The Romanian building materials market will grow about 0.5% in quantity terms this year, while in terms of value, the development of the sector will depend very much on inflation, according to the...
According to the experts of the specific industry, the present value of the domestic market of paints and varnishes was evaluated, in 2012, to 310 million Euros. This level is confirmed by the...
Despite the fact that official figures about the value of local construction market for 2012 are not yet available, the President of the Romanian Association of Construction Contractors (ARACO) -...
During the recession, companies involved in the local flooring industry had an optimal route in terms of activity and financial results, taking advantage of the increased pace of specific processing...
The local market of ceramic tiles, natural stone and sanitary wares will report in 2013 a slight increase, according to the opinions of the managers of the main competitors in those areas. The...
Most experts in the field of architecture and design consider that the period 2013 - 2014 will bring major changes in the activity of the specialized companies. Also, an increase in the number of...
Although the general trend of the local plasterboard - drywall market registered, in 2012, the fourth consecutive year of a quantitative decline, the absolute level of consumption reflects a...
The Romanian market of adhesives and dry mortars recorded last year a stabilization in terms of value and quantity, but there are local companies showing even a decrease between 2% and 10% in 2012,...


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