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FLOORING ANALYSIS: Flooring follows the trend in industrial construction

During the recession, companies involved in the local flooring industry had an optimal route in terms of activity and financial results, taking advantage of the increased pace of specific processing works in the various areas to which they address. As known, investment in domestic industry, spurred through EU funds, has increased significantly in the last two years, because of the government programs for gymnastic buildings which required the installation of specific floors. These activities contributed to the development of the analyzed segment, despite the negative effects of the recession. In the absence of a statistical report about investments in the national economy, published by the National Statistics Institute (INS), it should be assumed that in the first nine months of last year the specialized companies in supplying or installing industrial flooring systems, have registered another period of orders increase. In this respect, according to INS, in January-September 2012, from the point of view of the investment activities of national economy, the industry segment was the main driver of development (accounting for 39.4% of the total 48,995.7 million RON at current prices, a value which has increased by 17.9% over the same period last year). The industry was closely followed by trade/services segment (with had a share of 30.3%). This is a different market segment, targeted by companies providing products and services in floors category. Agriculture - where there were still projects referring at building warehouse or rehabilitation of existing logistics infrastructure - was deficient in this regard, because investments represented about 4.3% of the total amount. Obviously, at the net investment level, the main share is held by the funds allocated for new construction, representing 50.2% of the total and having a value of 24594.2 million RON at current prices, which created multiple benefits for companies in the field. Taking into account the structure - on an annual basis – in the main target markets for companies in the flooring industry, were active 49,715 economic agents, which made gross investments about 83,777 million RON at the level of 2011. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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