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If someone tries to make a deep analysis of sales evolution, taking into consideration - in the first place - the period of maximum efficiency of the activity of software suppliers, this task is...
While governments and economists are still being mildly optimistic, the situation on most relevant markets has been deteriorating in the second half of 2012. It is feared that 2013 will even bring...
Sales of the global suppliers of materials and services for construction showed a significant reduction in the third quarter of this year compared to the same period in 2011, mainly due to...
Ten years ago, a group of enthusiasts - managers of local companies specialised in production of thermo-insulating joinery - came together in order to put in practice a great idea: the...
This year was not so successful for Romanian thermo-insulated window industry, a lot of companies reporting depreciations of their own financial performances. This is mainly the negative effect of...
The recession is reinstalling in this period. In these negative circumstances, the international construction branch has to choose the best means available, in order to overcome the future...
The local market of chemical materials for constructions had lately a different dynamics for every segment, and the whole domain was characterized by disparity of segments (PU foams, adhesives,...
Nowadays, the modern requirements regarding the concept of energy efficiency are in the general focus all over the world, whether specialists or ordinary people. On the international construction...
Buildings with low energy that have a high potential for reducing CO2 emissions and energy costs are still not very popular on the construction sector, despite the economic and environmental...


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