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CONTRACTORS & DEVELOPERS: Changing the legal framework is necessary

Despite the fact that official figures about the value of local construction market for 2012 are not yet available, the President of the Romanian Association of Construction Contractors (ARACO) - Laurenţiu Plosceanu - which early estimated a decrease of 2% - 5% of the analyzed sector, considers that last year was a complete failure, from the point of view of the expected developments in specific segment. If ARACO forecasts will confirm, in the previous 12 months the value of the specific market should be at a minimum of 8.8 billion Euros, while the maximum should not exceed 9 billion Euros. Both results are below the value recorded in 2011, when the entire branch situated at 9.3 billion businesses. "Because of the elections in the last year, the expectations regarding the initiation or implementation of major public investment were positioned at a high level. Nevertheless, many political and legislative changes, coupled with disruptions of projects under implementation or in tender phase, generated significant delays in the launch of new investments, which could contribute to the specific segment recovery. The revival of the construction sector has the potential to be an important part of the national plan to get out of the recession, and the measures needed to achieve this target should be taken before the branch becomes part of domestic economic problems", said Laurenţiu Plosceanu, president of ARACO. At the European level, the construction sector is regulated in many ways - such as professional qualifications, health and safety at work, environmental impact etc. – a lot of these aspects pertaining to the Member States. In order to ensure a better functioning of the domestic market for construction materials and services, it is important for the legal framework to be as clear and predictable as possible, combined with implementing administrative costs proportionate to the objectives pursued. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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Ştiri de calitate și informaţii de afaceri pentru piaţa de construcţii, instalaţii, tâmplărie şi domeniile conexe. Articolele publicate includ:
- Ştiri de actualitate, legislaţie, informaţii statistice, tendinţe şi analize tematice;
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