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The November-December issue of the Agenda Constructiilor magazine, which includes data and information about the current situation and prospects of the Romanian construction and installations...
Seven buildings with heights over 100 meters and a total value of over €900 million are in various planning stages in Bucharest. However, it could be noted that two of these buildings' works...
The Romanian geotechnical engineering and foundation construction goes this year on a slightly upward trend comparing to the 2011 level, according to the opinions of the managers of local...
The November-December issue of the Fereastra magazine, which contains data and information about the current situation and market forecasts for the Romanian and international joinery sector, is...
Romanian architects are well aware of the lack of investors' confidence in their profession driven by the poor mentality towards the role of design in the construction activity and also by some...
The domestic market of software for architecture and construction - CAD (computer-aided design) embarked on a slightly upward trend in the first ten months of this year compared with the same...
The Romanian construction industry may reach this year a minimum value of €8.8 billion in the worst case scenario, according to the officials of the local industry association - Patronatul...
Romanian building materials market will exceed €3.5 billion this year, following a slight upward trend, compared to €3.3 billion reported in 2011, according to the Romanian construction...
Nowadays, the buzzword in the construction field is sustainability. Defined by experts as a concept which includes such principles as energy efficiency, environmental protection and socio-cultural...


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