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In the first months of last year, many companies involved in projects supported by European funds announced the implementation of a series of meaningful targets. In the same period, the main rating...
This autumn was rich in events like trade fairs and conferences, which were related, directly or indirectly to the activity of the international sector of thermal insulating joinery. The novelty...
At the end of the current fiscal year, it seems that, despite the optimism exhibited by most company managers at the beginning of 2012 and the attempts to recover the looses, the recession affects...
The engineering division of SW Umwelttechnik - the OMS group - has received further EU-subsidised projects for the development of the supply of drinking water and for wastewater disposal in Romania...
For the international thermo insulated joinery sector, the last six months in 2012 and, obviously, the first half of the next year will represent a period which will be characterized by...
Even if the energy audit, (which determines the level of energetic performance for buildings and concludes with a special document), has been regulated long time before Romania's compliance with...
Most of the construction companies, especially the ones activating in the thermal insulating joinery sector, choose to launch and intensively promote their products at the biggest international...
A recommended solution for the international corporations and for the companies active in the windows and curtain walls industry in order to counteract the state of uncertainty and mistrust of the...
Although at a first sight is a market niche which would never require an extended approach at the international trade fairs and exhibitions, the thermal insulating joinery segment receives an...


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