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The concern of the authorities from Brussels for the establishment of a harmonized framework for the regulation of energy consumption at EU level dates back for nearly a decade and a half. During...
Founded in 1907, the Japanese Corporation AGC recorded a fast development. In the present, it ranks in the top international suppliers which activate on the segment of glazing for the automobile...
Glazed elements included in the structure of the buildings’ envelope systems are the most vulnerable areas in terms of heat transfer. For example, the exterior masonry thermal transmittance...
Alukönigstahl company, from Bucharest, the subsidiary of König Group - Austria has implemented during the recession a proactive strategy of adaptation to the new requirements of architectural...
The experts who have assessed the prospects for growth of the construction market, which until 2008 was governed by a strong upward, deem that today the analyzed field is more related to the...
The Veka Romania company, the local subsidiary of the German Group Veka AG - the world's market leader on PVC profile systems destined for the production of thermo-insulating joinery - announced a...
Energy efficiency is a very complex concept that refers not only to the final consumption, but also to the intermediate production activities. The decreased utilization of resources is a requirement...
Rockwool, the Danish insulation products supplier, has reported a spectacular improvement of the revenues on the Romanian market, in the actual European context where the focus is put on...
According to the opinions of specialized real estate consultancy companies, year 2013 will be, in terms of investments in the construction and real estate domains, a period characterized by thorough...


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