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Bau-Munich trade fair, organized at a biennial frequency, is the second biggest place where the offer of the international windows market can be observed, after the other specialized exhibition...
For almost five years, the system suppliers specialized in selling products for the thermal insulating joinery fabrication had crossed a period less favorable in terms of business efficiency....
We must agree that 2013 is a new challenging year for the Romanian joinery market and the elements likely to have some direct influence on the efficiency of the companies in the branch are equally...
The awareness of the positive impact induced by sustainability and implementation of environmental protection measures became more visible in the last two years. In early 2013, a number of managers...
Despite the problems encountered during the recession, the PVC windows segment continues to be the most significant joinery market, especially since the beginning of 2012, when the share was 69.4%...
In spite of the worsening economic conditions in European markets, managers of large international corporations continued to focus towards emerging countries in the Middle East, Asia/Pacific and...
For companies which are involved in the production of windows, 2012 was, in general terms, a new period of sales decrease, but the situation is different for each company. Elements like the degree...
In 2013, the companies active on the Romanian PVC joinery market began their activity under better auspices, given the prospects of attracting European funds in order to support the national program...
An analysis conducted by the European Institute for Building Performance (BPIE) regarding building renovation scenarios in Europe has shown that the potential energy cost savings totals...


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