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ADHESIVES ANALYSIS:Optimal forecasts, due to thermal rehabilitation

The Romanian market of adhesives and dry mortars recorded last year a stabilization in terms of value and quantity, but there are local companies showing even a decrease between 2% and 10% in 2012, compared with the previous 12 months. However, the forecasts for the current year are slightly more optimistic, showing developments of up to 15%. The success will depend on the correct implementation of the national program for thermal rehabilitation of existing buildings. In these conditions, the activity in the sector will be supported mainly through renovation projects. Although they didn't show an entirely optimistic state, the representatives of suppliers sent a positive signal, consisting in investments dedicated to the expansion of the manufacturing capacity, actions which actually show some preparation for a supposed market revival. Great local producers of adhesives and dry mortars, like the subsidiary of the German group Henkel, the local company Adeplast or the Romanian subsidiary of Saint-Gobain Construction Products are only three companies which have planned opening new plants this year. Apparently, these companies are preparing for a revival of the market in the coming years. Henkel launches, during this period, the new unit from Roznov (Neamţ county), made available through an amount of 10 million Euros, partly from EU funds. Following this action, the total capacity of Henkel will increase by 40%, to 700,000 tonnes per year. Also, local producer Adeplast planned to open a technological line of dry mortars in Roman (Neamţ county) in March 2013. After its completion the manufacturer's total capacity will amount to 700,000 tons annually. Saint-Gobain Weber will also complete this year an investment of over 7 million Euros in a new adhesives factory located in Suceava. Following completion the total annual production will reach 400,000 tons. In addition to these investments, other market competitors have announced development programs, consisting in upgrading or adding production lines to existing facilities. Baumix intend to modernize the plant in Ploieşti and Cesal SA has planned investments in the modernization of locally owned plants. Finally, the producer of construction products Duraziv, envisages investment of 500,000 Euros in increasing the production of adhesives factory from Popeşti Leordeni (Ilfov county). For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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