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ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN: Change in the way of developing

Most experts in the field of architecture and design consider that the period 2013 - 2014 will bring major changes in the activity of the specialized companies. Also, an increase in the number of jobs is expected for 2015. The national and global economic context seems to give hope for a resumption of economic growth, and this is the main reason for the shown optimism. The statement made by one of the architects interviewed by our magazine - "We all suffered from the financial crisis, but we must adapt and move forward!" - scored very well the situation of the analyzed sector. However, on the long term it is expected that the situation will change, bearing in mind the early development of the built environment in Romania. Even if the financial crisis affects considerably the activity of small business architecture/engineering offices, it has had a positive influence by changing the way to develop new projects, focusing more on pragmatism and objective quality. A Spanish company specialized in design and consultancy services in infrastructure, environment, water and buildings, AECOM, which is active in Romania since 2002 through Inocsa Ingenieria and Savant Project, obtained last year a turnover of U.S. 38.7 million (an increase of about 9% over the previous year). "In the last months of 2012, I noticed a slight recovery in the construction and architecture market. I think that between 2013-2014, an increase in these two sectors will be recorded", highlighted Eng. Carlos Galvez, Country Manager of AECOM. Aims and objectives of the company for 2013 are represented by increasing turnover by 12 percent. The American architecture, engineering and construction company Epstein recorded in 2012 a turnover of approximately 73.7 million RON, and the final report on local market activity will be completed in March 2013. Revenues were made cumulative by two entities, namely Epstein Architecture and Engineering, A. Epstein and Sons International Inc. (A company with a permanent establishment of the company in Chicago, operating in Romania). In 2011, Epstein revenues amounted to over 92 million RON, while the previous year's turnover was nearly 20 million RON. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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