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PLASTERBOARD ANALYSIS: The renovation projects sustains the activity

Although the general trend of the local plasterboard - drywall market registered, in 2012, the fourth consecutive year of a quantitative decline, the absolute level of consumption reflects a developed demand for this kind of product, according to data provided by Mihai Marinescu, CEO of Knauf Gips, one of the leaders of the specific sector in Romania. During last year, total sales of about 2 square meters of plasterboard/capita were recorded, which is similar to the level reported in many western-European countries. Overall, in accordance with the statement of other largest provider of the industry, Saint-Gobain Rigips, plasterboard local market stood, in 2012, at a level of 40-42 million square meters, down to 6% - 8% compared to previous 12 months, while in terms of value the total turnover was about 95-100 million Euros. However, according to Rigips, taking into account the other plaster products, probably market value stands around 120-125 million Euros. Currently, according to the estimates of Agenda Construcţiilor magazine, a total of 19 companies are active on the local market of gypsum, out of which 10 are specialized in supplying metal profiles for plasterboards used on construction market, the other nine being involved in the market segment of coffered ceilings and deliveries of plasterboards. Cumulative revenues of the 10 specialized providers of metal profiles increased, according to the latest data published on the portal of the Ministry of Finance for 2011, by 2% compared to the 2010, to 86 million Euros. The growth comes after a more substantial increase in 2010 (+13%), which followed a sequential decrease in the first year of recession (-28% in 2009 to 75 million). It is evident, therefore, that - unlike other segments of the building materials market - companies in the industry have not recovered yet the losses during the economic crisis. Regarding the other nine companies, business dynamics indicate incomes of 566 million Euros in 2008, 436 million in 2009 (-23%), 477 million in following year (+9%) and 551 million in 2011 (+16%). In this case a more pronounced progress is registered. It should be noted, that the total turnover of the companies analyzed includes revenues resulting from the other activities. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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