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The majority of managers who coordinate the sustainability departments of major corporations consider that, in 2013 more than in the past, a closer attention must be given to the implementation of a...
The Order of Architects from Romania (OAR) and the Union of Architects from Romania (UAR) organized the professional conference "Architecture and money". The event has provided an...
The local industry of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment has stabilized in 2012 at the level of the previous year and substantial changes in the field are not expected in...
According to the central authorities, in Romania there are over 3,200 open and unfinished construction sites, requiring a total investment of about 4 billion RON. However, according to the Minister...
Given the fact that the local construction market is currently at 50% in comparison with the level before recession, the enterprises of manufacturers and product and specific systems suppliers were...
The renewable energy and all the problems related to the topic still represent a subject of high interest for Romania, especially if we take into account the mandatory observance of the Directive...
According to official data, although the dynamics of the construction sector in the first two quarters of 2012 was favorable, it was altered by the involution during the second half of the year,...
The local market of piping systems and fittings designed for water supply projects, sewerage and wastewater treatment plants engages on a slightly upward trend, largely due to the works managed by...
According to the latest Eurostat report, which highlights the volume of construction works in 2012, respectively the situation of the seasonally adjusted production in 14 of the 27 countries which...


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