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SUSTAINABILITY: Potential savings of 1,300 billion due to rehabilitation

An analysis conducted by the European Institute for Building Performance (BPIE) regarding building renovation scenarios in Europe has shown that the potential energy cost savings totals approximately 1,300 billion Euros. Copenhagen Economics report commissioned by Renovate Europe also shows that, given the current high unemployment rates in Europe, investments in the rehabilitation of buildings could have a positive impact on public budgets, equivalent to 0.5% - 1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The European representatives of World Green Building Council (WGBC) sent a letter to the European decision makers at the end of January 2013, which called for sending a strong signal to the investor community regarding building renovations agenda. National strategies on renovation should be established until April 2014, and by then will be crucial to unlock the potential of reducing energy consumption in European buildings. According to the data published in the annual report "CDP Supply Chain Report 2013" realised by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), in recent years a growing number of companies that invest in reducing carbon emissions, thus reducing their expenditure, has been seen. However, the large gap between these companies and the suppliers of systems that generate harmful emissions slow the transition to a green economy. At its fifth edition, the report was conducted in collaboration with the company Accenture, and the analyzed data were collected from 52 companies, members of the CDP Supply Chain program and from 2,363 suppliers around the world. Of the 52 companies surveyed, most are located in Europe (22) and North America (19). The report identified the main benefits that companies gain by integrating sustainability throughout the supply chain and divided the advantages into two categories: tangible (such as reducing costs and emissions) and intangible (which refers to the opportunity to improve the company's reputation and a better understanding of consumer behavior). According to the study, products with a low carbon footprint guarantee the opportunity to establish premium rates and an increase in business value. Approximately 10% of CDP Supply Chain members reported that half of the company's earnings came from products with a low carbon footprint, while 16% of them achieved at least 10% of earnings by selling such products. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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