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PRODUCERS: Specialized companies depend on thermal rehabilitation projects

For companies which are involved in the production of windows, 2012 was, in general terms, a new period of sales decrease, but the situation is different for each company. Elements like the degree of specialization and differentiation of supply are the defining aspects which induced stability and helped firms to obtain some increases of turnover, compared with the previous 12 month. Since the negative impact of economic uncertainty and political tensions seem to be the main characteristic attributes of the last year, the actual size of the market - both in terms of value and quantity - is difficult to precisely assess. The only certainty is the lack of important projects, which would ensure an adequate flow of contracts, to overcome the loss trend and install a recovery one. According to the latest statistics (from January to September of 2012), it seems that an upward trend in terms of material consumption in joinery market was observed during the analyzed period (the first signs of growth were recorded in the same period of 2010, and in January-September 2011 an increase of 6.98% was registered). However, the window branch continues to be significantly affected by the unprecedented drop in deliveries which took place in October 2008-December 2009 (and even later, on some segments). The current economic trends are highly uncertain and could enable the emergence of new difficulties in Romania and in Europe. The quantity and value of imports of hardware (estimated for 2012) are a reflection of the potential growth in the domestic market, and in this context, in the first nine months of last year, imports of this kind of systems showed an upward trend (6.31%), in comparison with January - September 2011. Statistical information for the third quarter of last year shows that the hardware components supply from abroad have stabilized compared to the same period in 2011 (+0.63%). Since the private sector which provides finance for the building construction - the main market to which the companies of windows, doors are related - remains reluctant to make investments as a result of the financial crisis, a possible short-term solution to address the most difficulties is the implementation of governmental economic stimulus programs (like the „New House” project, whose beneficiaries could perform, after acquisition, specific rehabilitation actions, like replacement of windows). For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!


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