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PVC PRODUCERS: Companies continue to reorganize their business

Despite the problems encountered during the recession, the PVC windows segment continues to be the most significant joinery market, especially since the beginning of 2012, when the share was 69.4% of the total production of windows, doors, curtain walls and related items. Also, in what concerns the production structure, it is estimated that last year, specific weights were not significantly altered, compared to the 2007-2008 period, when the market reached its peak value, estimated at about 1.1 billion Euro. In spite of the fact that companies in the industry have been and still are forced to reorganize their businesses, trying to identify new ways to boost sales, the companies involved in the production of PVC remain relatively uniformly distributed at national level, especially because this material is preferred by customers (between 62% and 83% of the total). Even the partial data related to PVC systems imports in the first nine months of last year confirms the pessimism expressed by managers of companies involved in the production of windows. The decrease of only 2% could be seen as a stabilization sign, after exceeding the maximum inflection point of the recession (registered in January-March 2009). Also, it must be noted that, by the end of September of 2012, the general trend of losses recovery was not interrupted, although there were great demand fluctuations. This indicates a possible stabilization or even a slight increase in sales in the specific market, which means that, after the time of maximum regression of windows branch, reached in the first quarter of 2009, deliveries were maintained at a low level or, in some cases, increased slightly. However, in the case of PVC profiles, the new values don't exceed the imports from the third quarter of each year in the period of economic crisis, representing the minimum figure of the period. The situation is not good and reflects accurately lower orders for PVC on the market, recorded in 2012 and evaluated by most market operators to -10%, compared to the previous year. This fact could be a real concern because of a possible delay of the long-awaited period of sustainable growth in sales. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!


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