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EDITORIAL: Influences affecting windows market activity

We must agree that 2013 is a new challenging year for the Romanian joinery market and the elements likely to have some direct influence on the efficiency of the companies in the branch are equally intrinsic and extrinsic. The way that sales have evolved in the previous financial year and the uncertain infusion of external funds in order to finance major construction sector indicate that neither in this year a process of revitalization of the analyzed segment will not reinstall. There are a number of incentives that could have a notable impact, provided that the above influence of extrinsic factors exert a positive impact on the field or, at least, not hinder its development. Existing business conditions in Romania are not less attractive to investors compared to other EU countries, and the managerial skills of local decision makers are not lower than those of their counterparts in other regions of the world. We must start from the observation that, during the recent months, the difficult problems reported for nearly two years in the Euro area are far from being solved in an acceptable way. It seems that the attention of potential investors is increasingly moving to countries of the former socialist bloc. Unfortunately, as the differentiation between Germany and the rest of the industrialized countries has become customary in Western Europe, in Eastern Europe the analysts are used to make distinctions - not always based on scientific evidence – between Poland and other emerging economies. It is well known that these regions have only one chance in their attempt to recover the construction segment (and hence the thermal insulating joinery sector), which lies in attracting external funds - European or otherwise. A brief analysis that is not based on actual data would be incorrect, since the decision to allocate funds in one or other of those areas is not taken solely on the basis of hearsay or assumptions. Also, many of the decisions of the resource managers are sometimes based on other factors which are not necessarily represented by financial analysis, but rather rely on psychological considerations. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!


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