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WORLD NEWS: Stabilizing sales of the main international suppliers

In spite of the worsening economic conditions in European markets, managers of large international corporations continued to focus towards emerging countries in the Middle East, Asia/Pacific and Latin America. Unlike the first nine months of last year, for the last quarter of 2012 was reported a significant increase in demand, especially in North America. Companies did not register substantial annually increases (only 7% - 8% per year), not even quarterly improvements (up to 4% compared to the same period in 2011). In this context, it can be concluded that the overall construction sector shows some signs of recovery, but a development on a sustained basis will not be possible before 2015. Annual reports of suppliers of construction materials indicate largely a slight improvement of orders. According to data included in the study entitled "European Architectural Barometer", conducted by Dutch research company Arch Vision and which targeted six major countries in EU (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom and Netherlands), the European construction sector will continue to contract on short term, but declines will not be as sharp as it was in the last years. According to the authors of the analysis conducted among 1,200 architects of the six countries mentioned above, designers' activity is a leading indicator for construction segment. Data provided by respondents at the end of last year indicate an increase in demand for projects in the UK and Germany, despite the fact that the number of building permits is still falling. The unstable situation in the construction market in France reported in mid-2012 has worsened, 23% of architects have noticed a decrease of the total activity in the second quarter of last year and 33% of the questioned persons have reported a decrease in the next three months. Overall, 45% of French designers have reported decreases in orders. The same trend is highlighted in terms of the turnover of architectural offices. Compared to the other five analyzed countries, the share of new projects initiated in France in the third quarter of 2012 is placed at a very low level (23%), and a lower one was registered only in the Netherlands (22%). The number of building permits issued by the French authorities declined sharply in the second half of last year. After two quarters of relative stability at the beginning of 2012, it is possible to create prerequisites for a revival of the construction sector in Spain. Thus, in the third quarter more than half of the interviewed local architects announced decreases in demand, while only 14% reported a slight increase in activity.For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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