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Romania’s investment needs are large. Public investment is already relatively high by European standards, but it is of low quality. Thousands of investment projects are underfinanced or even...
According to the latest information published in September 2012 by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) experts, Romania’s Gross Domestic Product - GDP, estimated for the second...
According to the latest research carried out by the experts of the consultancy and audit company Ernst & Young (E&Y), called "2012 European Attractiveness Survey", Romania ranks...
In 2011, the Belgian real estate development company Atenor Group initiated the first phase – out of three - of the construction of Hermes Business Campus, a new office complex in the...
We are currently reaching the fourth year since the start of the Wall Street financial-economic crisis, whose climax was the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and implicitly the unprecedented...
Recently, the National Forecast Commission (NFC) - an institution subordinated to the Romanian Government - reviewed the data included in the document called "Projection of the main...
Following the severe downturn in 2008–09, the Romanian economy has undertaken a large adjustment to restore macroeconomic stability. Under two successive IMF Stand-By Arrangements and with...
With a press release issued on 8 August 2012, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) experts recently confirmed the sequential growing trend recorded by the volume of construction works in...
Investments in national economy grew last year by 9.2% as against 2010, reaching over RON 64.5 billion, and totalling RON 24.8 billion in the fourth quarter, 22.1% over the level recorded in the...


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