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SW Umwelttechnik: Incoming orders of €11 million in Romania and Hungary

The engineering division of SW Umwelttechnik - the OMS group - has received further EU-subsidised projects for the development of the supply of drinking water and for wastewater disposal in Romania and Hungary and has been recognised as the top supplier in this field. In Romania, OMS Romania has been commissioned with three major projects totalling €7.5 million. The drinking water supply as well as the wastewater discharge for the municipality of Intorsura Buzaului /county Covasna will be renovated and developed until January 2015. Apart from installing pumping stations and shafts, we will be also be putting down 30 km of drinking water pipes and 40 km of wastewater pipes. In the county of Harghita our order involves installing a 20 km long canal and 2 pumping stations for the municiplaity of Cozmeni. Similarly we will be constructing a 25 km long canal and 2 pumping stations for the municipality of Mihaileni. These incoming orders document the market position of OMS Romania and confirm the increase of commissioning in Romania for projects concerning the disposal of wastewater. In Hungary, OMS was commissioned in syndicate with a Hungarian company to install the canalisation and rainwater disposal system for the city of Kiskunfélegyháza/ county Bács-Kiskun. The total of the projects amounts to €7.7 million. OMS Umwelttechnik will be responsible for a share of the project totalling €3.5 million and will be part of the syndicate until April 2014. SW Umwelttechnik is expecting further commissioning until year-end in EU-subsidised projects for the development of wastewater disposal, in Romania as well as in Hungary.
SW Umwelttechnik, a family firm founded in 1910 and listed on the Viennese stock exchange since 1997, stands for sustainable management. With our innovative technology to protect the environment we provide an important contribution to the development of necessary infrastructure in Central and South-eastern Europe. Further details, available on


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