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New products record a major success on the joinery market

Most of the construction companies, especially the ones activating in the thermal insulating joinery sector, choose to launch and intensively promote their products at the biggest international trade fairs. This kind of strategy produces the expected effects particularly during the economic crisis, when the demand is positioned at a low level, and the customers or potential business partners are reluctant to spend additional funds for acquisition of products or capital goods. Another strong reason why modern firms decide to apply such a marketing policy is that the important international trade fairs offer the opportunity of joining a big number of specialists and potential clients in an area which guarantees the optimisation of business contacts and the detailed presentation of the offer. The best adapted group of products to such an environment is represented by new technologies, which have the gift of attracting customers' attention. The experts working in the research/development department of the companies in the field focused lately on the design of new products, special solutions and systems optimally adapted to the present requests of the clients, and, in the same time, very competitive in terms of prices. Such a step, involving a great skill to mix the high technical performances with a special strategy oriented to diminish the costs, is hard to fulfill. A big expertise and all the special means to ensure the optimal performance of production process are necessary for this mission. Another topic issue is related to competition. There are companies which apply aggressive strategies in order to attract the clients, using mainly the low price policy. From this point of view, it is recommended to analyse carefully such "opportune offers", in order to see if the products have indeed the declared performances. The best way to avoid this kind of problems is to choose known brands, which enjoy a good reputation, and respect entirely the technical specifications. In the next section, are presented systems from the last category, recently launched or which will be launched at Bau 2013. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!


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