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PRODUCERS & SUPPLIERS: Repositioning in the building materials industry

Given the fact that the local construction market is currently at 50% in comparison with the level before recession, the enterprises of manufacturers and product and specific systems suppliers were considerably reduced. However, according to information available in the field, it seems that in 2013 a stabilization will be noticed, which will prepare the slight recovery expected for next year. Nonetheless, there are sectors of activity which will record trends of growth, after the specialized operators have reported optimal developments in 2012, as it is the case with the finishing and renovations segment. In terms of value, the market representatives have reconfirmed the stagnation at 3.5 billion Euros in 2013. Overall, this year will constitute a period of repositioning for competitors active on the building materials market and will also include the resuming of development at a slow pace. The main deciding factor in the product purchasing will still remain the price, most often at the expense of quality. One of the segments which maintained an optimal pace in 2012 was the local market of expanded polystyrene (EPS), supported by the national program of thermal rehabilitation. However, even this sector has not experienced a significant growth. According to the Association of Expanded Polystyrene Manufacturers from Romania (ROMEPS), in terms of quantity, a slight decrease is estimated, from about 3.3 million cubic meters in 2011 to just over 3.1 million cubic meters last year. The Association brings together the leading manufacturers of EPS from Romania, namely Austrotherm, Arcon, Adeplast, Hirsch Porozell, Swisspor-Isopor, and is a member of the counterpart European body EUMEPS. „Over 80% of the insulation in Europe is made with polystyrene and most of the buildings of the «future» incorporate EPS elements during construction or are entirely composed out of this material, which has the widest use out of all the insulation systems available on the market. Last year, the share of the polystyrene on the insulation market for building enveloping was of 77.5% of the total, followed by mineral wool (10%), extruded polystyrene (9%) and other materials (3.5%)”, it is argued in a report published by ROMEPS. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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