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SUSTAINABILITY: Resources protection - important issue for corporations

The majority of managers who coordinate the sustainability departments of major corporations consider that, in 2013 more than in the past, a closer attention must be given to the implementation of a sustained and unitary set of measures which aims at the protection of natural resources. Thus, the measures will not be viewed as simple concurrences, but, on the contrary, as part of the business strategy of every respectable company, which intends to have a long-term development. Basically, sustainability specialists argue clearly that, in spite of the visible absence of a globally uniform standard of reglementation in what concerns the emission of greenhouse gases, the consumption of water and the wastewater treatment plants, the rate of including these issues in the documents created by holdings – especially at the level of the companies active on the construction market and related sectors – will intensify with the increase of awareness that the access to the production resources becomes more precarious. Unlike 2012, during this year the executive directors of multinational groups will take decisions regarding the sustainability of their business after a close scrutinity of the charts prepared on the basis of various indicators and case studies developed by specialized institutions. Furthermore, the concept of the green supply chain will have in 2013 a strategic importance at the level of the “sustainable” function of the companies. The raw material suppliers, the solutions and the building systems will be selected more carefully and only if they meet all the imposed requirements. In the present context, the cooperation between various entities which form the business environment will not represent any longer an abstract concept because – in order to survive in a hostile economy – the small companies will be practically obliged to cooperate with the multinational groups and vice versa. The agreements in principle between government decision makers and the private sector through partnerships with the non-governmental organization (NGO) and other categories of organizations which have the capacity to present sustainability to the public consciousness will be more numerous in 2013. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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