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Ceramica SA Iasi, the leader of brick industry in the Moldavian area, with annual turnover of 64 million RON, has maintained its market share last year, despite a 10% decrease in quantity of sales...
The local masonry materials market, estimated at the value of 250 million EUR in 2012, balanced last year, the two main groups of products included, the ceramic and brick blocks having equal weights...
The year 2012 was characterized by continued turbulence in the global economy, but despite this changeling conditions, the Swedish group Skanska was able to report strong results and increasing...
The building materials market stood on an upward trend in the first five months of this year compared with the same period in 2012. The evolution indicated by the Construction Materials Producers...
Although not all experts agree on construction solutions proposed by researchers at PHI Darmstadt, some of them claiming the "Spartan" conditions that such a building forcing consumers to...
The Romanian thermal insulating joinery market was characterized by major imbalances in 2012, and this fact affected the activity of Profine - one of the biggest players on this segment. The windows...
The global construction market recorded an average reduction of about 5% in the first three months of this year compared to the corresponding period in 2012, according to a rate calculated on the...
In present days, a complex and laborious process of development and adaptation of EU legislation on the consumer protection issues takes place. Under these circumstances, it is important to...
On the 14th of May 2013, the Atlas hall of the Radisson Blu Hotel - Bucharest has hosted more than 500 experts who have formed the auditorium of the International Conference on Sustainable...


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