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BUILDING SITES: Over 3,200 ongoing public projects require funding

According to the central authorities, in Romania there are over 3,200 open and unfinished construction sites, requiring a total investment of about 4 billion RON. However, according to the Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration (MDRAP), Liviu Dragnea, the works on sports halls or swimming pools in rural areas will not be continued and new objectives will not be started in 2013. "Unfortunately, public projects started in Romania, which include water supply, sewerage, county roads, housing, sports halls, swimming pools and community centres, should be accomplished in conformity with the priorities which will be established in the coming period", said the minister. The government representative also said that he agreed with the Prime Minister and with international donors in order not to open any new site in this construction category because in each year were initiated projects, leading to "a very large number of investments which cannot be supported any longer". Thus, in 2013, the works begun at the sport halls or swimming pools in rural areas will not be continued. Only a few large objectives, which are already in advanced stages of implementation, will be financed, such as the sport hall from Ploiești. The line minister said that the feasibility study for the sport hall of the national team of gymnastics will eventually start and the works for water supply as well as the projects aimed at sewerage, roads, homes and community centres will continue. "Currently we have 576 million RON provided for open sites. New projects can be initiated at most in 2014," said the Deputy Prime Minister. In what concerns the thermal rehabilitation of blocks, Liviu Dragnea said that it will be implemented at a lower level than last year, because there are no large amounts of money allocated in general for the whole minister. Recently, in several parts of the country, many contracts for the execution of municipal works, whose aggregate value exceeds 120 million RON, have been awarded. Furthermore, in the north area of Romania, an industrial project of about 28 million RON will be launched in the second quarter of the current year. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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