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In the past four years, the construction sector was heavily influenced in Romania by a significant decrease of the foreign direct investment. Although the public authorities have allocated some...
For the first half of 2013, Aluterm Group, from Cluj-Napoca, specialized in the supply of automated systems for doors, communicated a turnover of 1.6 million EUR. For the full financial year, the...
One of the most pressing issues hich affects during this period the activity on the windows and doors sector is represented by the "wave" of companies that, in one form or another,...
Despite the prolonged economic crisis, the local market of thermal insulating windows has a good dynamic, and new business initiatives are reflected both by products and services. It is important...
The decline registered in the last five years in the local construction activity affects all segments, including the sector of high technology products, such as, for example, the automated systems...
Given that the first half of the year was affected by the lack of major projects, while the number of building permits, issued for the residential sector and other buildings which have another use...
In the previous year 150,000 tons of glass were sold on the national market, including both the local production and the imported glazing, regardless of the type of application. In what concerns...
The sales of thermal insulating joinery at national level have decreased sharply in recent years, cumulating in 2012, only 350 million EUR. However, Hoppe succeeded in maintaining a constant rate...
The experts of the market research agency Interconnection Consulting Group have recently released a new study on the current situation and the prospects of the Western European thermo-insulating...


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