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Knauf Insulation Romania, a leading local supplier of mineral wool, estimates a stabilization of the businesses in this year at the level recorded in 2012 given that the profile market continued to...
The local market of polystyrene decreased between 12% and 15% in the first six months of this year compared to the same period in 2012, given the shrinking of about 13% - 15% of imports of raw...
The garage door manufacturer MCA Grup, which has contracts with a value over 32 million lei, reported in the previous year a similar turnover compared to 2011. This development was supported by the...
The local production of construction materials increased by 2.7% in the first six months of this year compared to the same period in 2012, after it suffered a contraction of 5.4% in June, in rapport...
Given that the national window market confronts with a heavily decrease of demand, without any premises of stabilization on the short or medium term (even at the extremely low level recorded now),...
The emphasis put in recent years on the idea of sustainability in the construction industry may induce suspicion of the existence of some purely commercial intentions behind this media spectacle -...
Marcel Bărbuţ, CEO of AdePlast company, estimates a sustainable recovery of the construction industry starting with 2015 given that, in Romania, there is an enormous potential of the field both in...
The Competition Council (CC) urges the authorities to avoid the closing of addenda to contracts awarded through public tender, because these can increase by up to 50% the initial value of the work....
The construction market continues the implementation of innovations. This process takes place in spite of the negative trend installed for more than five years. The main suppliers are in a constant...


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