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The production of construction materials increased by 8.6% at national level in the first three months of this year compared to the same period in 2012 according to the information provided by the...
The current macroeconomic indicators, which reflect the uncertainty of the business environment, are relatively unfavorable for companies operating on the market for windows, doors and related...
Contrary to initial estimates of market participants, the volume of construction works decreased in the first five months of this year compared to the same period in 2012, both as gross and adjusted...
In the absence of data on the production of glass for architectural applications, which could shape a market overview of the field, the only information available for this area remain the ones...
Currently, the Competition Council has several ongoing investigations involving construction companies and suppliers of materials, all triggered by own initiative. The investigations include a...
The local cement market recorded a 3% advance in the first three months of this year compared to the same period in 2012, according to the latest data from the Employers from Cement Industry and...
While the unlocking of structural funds is pending, the volume of investment funds in the construction sector will remain at a low level this year. As a direct result, according to the forecasts of...
The market segment of shading systems continues to restructure just as the one of thermo-insulating joinery, while the offer continues to be heterogeneous, although the level of internal demand...
The Institute for Energy Studies and Design (ISPE), a company whose history links with the development of the energy system in our country, has been involved over the years in the design of all...


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