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Although in recent decades the facades sector has grown - a phenomenon which was felt as well with a great intensity in Romania after the 1990 - the activity has slowed significantly once the...
The energy efficiency concept is probably the most underlined and often addressed element in the terminology linked to sustainability. This feature can be integrated both in the chapter of...
Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi, the general manager of Andreescu & Gaivoronschi office of architecture and the President of Timis branch of the Order of Architects of Romania (OAR Timis), said that the...
It seems that the scenarios which predicted the limitation of the opportunities on the export markets for local companies specialized in the execution of thermal insulating windows and curtain walls...
Being characterized by a greater flexibility in front of the change of the ratio between domestic offer and demand, the manufacturers and suppliers of decorative panels and door hardware have...
The decision of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) to cut the benchmark interest rate from 5.25% to a low of 5% could represent an optimum condition for easing the credit conditions, which could...
The field of thermo-insulating joinery is continuously characterized by a particular dynamics in the pace of research and development. In the same time, large companies in the industry run ambitious...
The specific market segment of internal / external doors manufacturers and suppliers / distributors showed a somewhat different dynamic compared to other sectors of the thermal insulating joinery...
Maintenance works, infrastructure projects and exports continue to support the local building materials market in the second half of the year as well. The manufacturers and suppliers of construction...


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