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VALRAS: Architectural glazing market, estimated at 50 million EUR

In the previous year 150,000 tons of glass were sold on the national market, including both the local production and the imported glazing, regardless of the type of application. In what concerns the insulating glass used for installing joinery assemblies, according to the data provided by Valras Prod - one of the major suppliers of glass panels (IGU) operating in Romania - the value for registered in 2012 was between 45 million EUR and 50 million EUR. The share of the company from Ploiesti was around 4% in the previous financial year, corresponding to a turnover of approximately two million EUR. One of the major objectives of the development strategy in the short, medium and long term is constituted by the opening of trade offices in Western Europe. In the last decade, Valras Prod had a market share of about 2.25% - 4% of total deliveries made in Romania on the IGU business segment. According to Valentin Petrescu, the company's general director, the fluctuations were caused by the general economic situation and the effect of the special projects ongoing at different times. "The involvement in the delivery of finished products for objectives with a high degree of complexity is more profitable. Though the processing jobs are more complicated, involving multiple machining operations, the economic efficiency is much higher. From the structural point of view, however, the largest share of sales (about 70%) is held by the classic insulating glass (the entry level products category, known as "commodity"). Currently we deliver glass to 100 windows manufacturers, situated in the central and southern areas of Romania. Moreover, given the trend of orientation on foreign markets, our company seeks to exploit this opportunity, working with local entrepreneurs which export finished products. Currently, we estimate that 30% of the insulating glass made by Valras Prod is integrated in assemblies installed outside Romania and we aim for this share to reach 50% on medium term".


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