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According to the opinions of operators in the field, the Romanian market of lighting objects is estimated around 125 million EUR, out of which the residential sector, which is growing steadily,...
The local market is currently a tired one given that, after a long period of economic decline, during which all companies strove to overcome problems encountered at all levels, the results of those...
After a first quarter in which the local construction market seemed to be heading for stability, the available data for the first six months of this year show a sharp decrease of the indicator, the...
The first six months of this year represented a period of relative stability for the global construction market, the main trend observed in this interval consisting in the maintaining of core...
The businesses of Hilti Romania, the local subsidiary of the Hilti Group, one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of professional tools and accessories for construction, have slightly increased...
The current macroeconomic indicators continue to reflect the uncertainty of the local business environment just as in the same period from 2012, but with significantly less explicit effects. The...
Coilprofil, the local manufacturer of corrugated sheets, galvanized profiles, thermal insulating panels and other metal systems, with its headquarters in Ceptura (Prahova county), aims this year at...
The metal profiles and sandwich panels local market, estimated around 250 million EUR per year, has shifted on a slightly downward trend in the first six months of this year according to most...
The construction materials market began to record an accelerated pace of development, a phenomenon that is characterized by an emulation of companies, especially in terms of launching new solutions...


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