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The sales of large international corporations active in the construction sector have registered a downward trend in the first six months of this year. Thus, the results stood below the initial...
In an increasingly uncertain global economic environment characterized by an intensified competition and dwindling financial flows aimed at risky areas, severely affected by the recession, the...
The Romanian thermo-insulating polystyrene market situated last year to over 100 million EUR, a corresponding value of quantitative sales of 3.5 million cubic meters, according to the estimates of...
The total value of construction works performed during the first half of 2013 on the local market stood at 3.73 billion EUR (16.3 billion RON), and if in the second half of this year the investment...
According to most managers of firms in the industry, although on the short and even medium term no macroeconomic indicator does reflect a reversal of the current downward trend of sales, from the...
The modern urban buildings waste precious construction materials and pollute. Thus, according to the estimates of architects, in the future there should be built new buildings, with designs that...
Romania's major projects such as Craiova-Piteşti highway, the section Gilău - Suplacu de Barcău of the Transylvania motorway, the plant at Rovinari, the reactors 3 and 4 at Cernavodă, the hydropower...
The lack of information regarding the harmonized legislation that requires the certification of the activity of companies and / or construction products, the mentality that these operations are...
The apparently insuperable problems (which have lately attenuated), generated by the sovereign debt crisis in the countries from the Euro Area, have added more geopolitical risks, reflected more...


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