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The sales of adhesives and dry mortars by Henkel Romania increased by 15% in 2012 compared to the previous year. For 2013, the management of the specialized division estimates a new annual growth of...
All products used in building construction processes must be certified (by applying the CE mark), including the indoor pedestrian. The new Construction Products Regulation (CPR), recently adopted by...
The serious problems encountered by all markets in the European Union (which officially entered recession) are much more complex than they initially seemed and have already diverted the recovery...
The activity of companies which provide geosynthetic materials and of the ones which perform special works - geotechnical and foundations - will be sustained this year by the engineering projects...
Manufacturer of cement, aggregates and concrete Carpatcement Holding, the local subsidiary of the German group HeidelbergCement and one of the leaders of the local market, registered a total...
The evolution of the hardware segment remains the main benchmark against which can be measured the domestic market of thermo-insulating joinery. Theoretically, the deliveries of products from this...
According to the data published in the financial report for fiscal year 2012, the Romanian subsidiary of Legrand has recorded good results, managing, along with the companies active on the markets...
From the historical point of view, the passive house concept was introduced and developed in Central Europe. At European level, the current available information certifies that a building has a life...
A complex of office buildings that will be built near Piata Romana in Bucharest, the new stadium in Craiova, the future suspended highway in Bucharest or the Scientific Research Centre Extreme Light...


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