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ALUTERM: Two decades for a successful Romanian company

For the first half of 2013, Aluterm Group, from Cluj-Napoca, specialized in the supply of automated systems for doors, communicated a turnover of 1.6 million EUR. For the full financial year, the company's executive management expects an increase of 10% compared to the sales reported in 2012, which had a value of 3.4 million EUR. According to the management team of the company, the current development strategy involves a differentiation of the offer, in order to obtain a reduction of competitive pressure while avoiding the segment where the choices are carried out mainly by using the low price criterion. Another course of action aims at identifying the best ways to successfully overcome the challenges of recession while exploiting opportunities by developing the offer according to the specific demand existent at a particular time. The company celebrates in 2013 two decades of activity on the local market. Speaking about this subject, Mihaela Strugaru, managing partner, pointed out that "in this period Aluterm Group participated in over 1,500 projects at national level, becoming a reference point among companies operating in the access systems segment. Moreover, in recent years we specialized in the design and construction of automated parking systems. We intend to mark the special anniversary moment and reward as well the loyalty of our business partners. From September 2013, specific activities coordinated by the marketing division will start, consisting in substantial prizes addressed both to traditional partners and potential ones. Our company is different because, for us, real estate is a living space. This mindset creates a different approach to the construction industry. We put the accent on the high degree of training and expertise of our engineers. We believe in people and pursue the cohesion between them. Aluterm team has the utmost merit for the success registered by the company in its 20 years of activity. Despite the fact that commercial activity is conducted mainly by B2B sector, we aim to bring added value to the final beneficiary through each project in which we participate".


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