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HOPPE: Highest market share on the luxury products segment

The sales of thermal insulating joinery at national level have decreased sharply in recent years, cumulating in 2012, only 350 million EUR. However, Hoppe succeeded in maintaining a constant rate of grow on the Romanian market, due to the technical characteristics and performance of the products in the portfolio, and to the fact that its offer is addressed mainly to the high-tech projects, for which funding is not an issue. The global window and door market has recorded a significant setback between 2008 and 2011, but current data indicates a revival in sales, especially on the residential segment. The information available show that on the US-door segment the cumulative shipments have exceeded 40 million units, and for the current financial year sales volume will be around 50 million units (in 2015 the figure will place at 65 million units). In what regards the windows, the forecasts indicate total shipments of 40 million units in the same region, with growth prospects to 57 million units for 2015. In what concerns the same sector in Europe, few information are available, but it is certain that the latter is placed on an upward trend, at least in Central and Northern Europe. For instance, in Germany, windows supplies reached last year a share of 13,2 million units of interior doors and about 1,3 million units for outdoor installation. If we include the deliveries made in the federal area, we can estimate that European window sales for 2012 were around 60 million units and the interior/exterior doors quota exceeded 35 million units. By adding these amounts, it can be inferred that the international market for windows / doors handles is situated around 300 million units. On the premium segment, Hoppe is the leading provider in Europe and the global leader in technological competency. In Romania, the company has a strong position. A good financial performance was recorded in 2008, when the local subsidiary reported revenues of approximately two million EUR. Subsequently, due to the deterioration of the economic situation and the dramatic drop in demand for joinery, the sales growth was adjusted, but the trend still remained an ascending one.


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