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In 2014, the Government will allocate funds with a total value of about 40 billion RON (9 billion EUR) for investments, which represents about 6% of GDP. The funds will be used mainly in order to...
The local construction market will reach between 8.5 billion and 9 billion EUR this year, continuing the downward trend recorded in the last five years, according to the Romanian Association of...
The glazing market analysis for 2012-2013 includes information offered by the major 100 companies involved in the production of glazing, glass processing and complementary fields. The methodology is...
The price of the construction materials will increase by 8% - 10% in 2014 due to the new fees concerning raw materials, the special taxation of buildings and the growth of the costs concerning...
The local construction and architecture software market has stabilized this year, most specialized companies indicating the maintaining of their turnover at the level recorded in 2012. In 2014, the...
The latest data extracted from the list of 647 manufacturers of windows and doors, 32 companies involved in the installation of assemblies and 113 glazing producers (the project was carried out by...
The local market of construction materials could fall during this year below the level of 3 billion EUR reported in 2012 given that the construction industry continued to register a downward trend....
In the current edition of the research dedicated to activities and prospects of the top 500 producers, we have also included an analysis and included several relevant diagrams reflecting the...
The passive house concept has been established on the international construction market for nearly two decades, after it was released by Dr. Wolfgang Feist. The PHI Institute in Darmstadt - Germany...


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