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PROJECTS: Investment budget of 9 billion EUR for 2014

In 2014, the Government will allocate funds with a total value of about 40 billion RON (9 billion EUR) for investments, which represents about 6% of GDP. The funds will be used mainly in order to finance the projects started and to continue the multiannual programs conducted by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration (MDRAP) and the Ministry of Infrastructure. According to the draft budget, MDRAP would need more than two billion RON for continuing the major investment programs in 2014, while most of the funds will be allocated for the transport infrastructure. The total funding allocated for the Local Development Programme is 1.5 billion RON and it will be used in order to complete 226 goals and continue the works on over 1,000 other projects. In what concerns the social housing programs, in 2014 there might be allocated a total of 40 million RON, out of which about 24 million RON for the completion of 10 objectives with 601 social housing for tenants evicted from their homes which were returned to former owners; 6 million RON for the completion of four buildings with 176 social housing and for starting new works, and another 10 million for the development of social housing for the communities of gypsies (12 housing units, out of which 8 will be completed in August 2014). The amounts provided from the state budget for the continuation in 2014 of the national program for thermal rehabilitation could reach, according to the draft budget, about 21 million RON, which would allow the completion of energy efficiency increase works for about 6,300 apartments. According to the available data, in 2013 there were allocated 14 million RON for the thermal rehabilitation of approximately 1,200 apartments, while for the whole period between 2009 to 2012 the were spent budget funds of more than 464 million RON for interventions at 75.065 housing units. However, funding of 35 million RON will be used for the development of works promoted by the administrative-territorial units for the refurbishment and modernization of centralized heat supply systems of different cities.


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