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The Romanian market of heat, ventilation and air conditioning equipments (HVAC) will record, at the end of 2014, a period of three consecutive years of stabilization. After the heating products...
Radox Group - Bucharest, one of the leading local suppliers of bathroom radiators and HVAC equipment, estimates an increase of up to 20% in sales in 2014, after a growth of 10% in the first three...
The maintaining of difficult market conditions and pressures both from the level of quantities sold and from prices led to a decrease of 4.3% in the sales level for Holcim Romania in 2013, the local...
The unexpected growth of more than 3.5% of the national economy in 2013, was a consequence of the surprisingly development in the industry sector (+2.3%) and agriculture (+1.1%). The results was...
The Romanian businesses of the French group Saint-Gobain increased by 5% in 2013, compared to the level of the previous year and reached 700 million RON, equivalent to about 156.7 million EUR, while...
Aecom Ingenieria, a subsidiary of the American group Aecom and the local design market leader, with a turnover of 11.4 million EUR recorded in 2013, was involved in the development of large-scale...
The manufacturer of profiles and metallic structures, Ruukki Romania, the local subsidiary of the Finnish group Rautaruukki, recorded a turnover of 45 million EUR last year, up 20% from the 2012...
Siemens Romania, one of the leading technology companies and present on the Romanian market for over a century, achieved a turnover of 393 million EUR in 2013, in all four divisions, collectively...
PORR Construct, the local subsidiary of the Austrian group PORR based in Vienna, with an average annual turnover of 3 billion EUR, is currently running important works in Romania, such as the...


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