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The company Test Prima - Suceava, general contractor in the construction and installation domain, performs "turnkey" works and is currently running projects worth nearly 5 million EUR...
On the 19th of May 2014 at 10:00 a.m., the Atlas conference room of the Radisson Blu Hotel - Bucharest opens its doors to host the International Conference on Sustainable Constructions and Energy...
Since its establishment in 1997, the company Aluprof Systems, part of the Polish holding Grupa Kety, has focused primarily on providing special profiles (mullions and transoms) for the execution of...
The construction market will remain one of the riskiest sectors in 2014, according to estimates made by Yves Zlotowski, Chief Economist of Coface company specialized in risk management, while the...
If we take a brief look over the activity of companies involved in the production of aluminum windows and doors and the execution of curtain façades, after another year of heterogeneous financial...
The production of construction materials grew by 9.2% in Romania in the first 11 months of the last year compared to the same period in 2012, according to the latest data published by the National...
For large corporations involved on the global market construction, the concept of sustainable development (or sustainability) does not represent a wordy term or a fashionable trend that has to be...
Although the major corporations active in the international market of thermal insulating joinery recorded mixed results in 2013, mostly in line with the initial forecasts, these have also overcome...
Romstal is the biggest sanitary ware distributor in Romania and one of the largest companies in the field in Eastern Europe, with more than 200 specialized stores in Romania, Republic of Moldova,...


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