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TOP: The glazing market situation is similar with the joinery sector

The glazing market analysis for 2012-2013 includes information offered by the major 100 companies involved in the production of glazing, glass processing and complementary fields. The methodology is based on data contained in the list of 113 companies specialized in the manufacture of thermal insulating glass and related items. The table attached, published in simplified form, includes a classification of companies by their places inside the top, as well as by name, county, website and other contact information. The glazing market situation is almost similar to the one of the thermal insulating joinery sector, to which it is addressed, especially because the total revenues of the companies analyzed (expressed in EUR) decreased in 2012 by 0.2 % compared to 2011, to 198.7 mllion EUR, a fact which corresponds to a stabilization. However, the actual sales of glass - which were developed based on the current analysis, decreased by 2% to 65.7 million EUR, while in 2011, these have reached 66.9 million EUR (+7%). Of all companies, about 13% are businesses that have their registered office in Bucharest - Ilfov, namely a total of 13 companies. These have achieved in 2012 a turnover (which has resulted from the production of thermal insulating glass) in the amount of 4.56 million EUR, representing about 6.95% of the total reported by companies included in the study (65.68 million EUR). In turn, the value of the supplies of thermal insulating glass has a share of 6.9% in the total turnover (moderate) of companies included in the top 500 thermal insulating joinery producers, the quota decreasing in comparison to the baseline (2008), when it stood at 7.6%. The difference between the total revenues and the ones obtained through glazing sales can be explained by the structuring of producers and it depends on how they engage in this activity. If we take into account the classification of specialized companies after the year in which these were founded, inside the top prevail companies with tradition and experience in the market, most of them being corporations that have started operating in 1994. 


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