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The Romanian market of paints and varnishes posted last year a drop between 7% and 10% compared to 2012, being valued by most operators in the area at about 300 million EUR. Even if estimates for...
The renovation projects, the thermal rehabilitation ones and some major private investments (shopping centres and office buildings) represented the main sources that supported the production and...
Given that some of the major projects started in previous years are expected to continue in 2014, and the initiation of new public works is also envisioned, this year could mark the beginning of a...
The highways Braşov - Sibiu and Sibiu - Piteşti, the airport infrastructure of the capital, the development of the Constanța harbour and other maritime harbours of Danube, the high-speed rail...
Amid assumptions about progress towards sustainability of the domestic construction market, most operators in the industry estimated increases between 5% and 50% of their income in 2014, but, as the...
Despite the contraction of the domestic construction materials market, the quantitative supplies of BCA recorded a slight increase (+3%) in the first nine months of last year (compared to the same...
Currently, Metrorex, the company that manages the underground transport in the capital city, has six ongoing major infrastructure projects for the expansion of the subway network. These include...
According to the preliminary data from the Association of Cement Industry and other mineral products (CIROM), the Romanian cement market decreased between 5% and 8% in 2013, compared to 2012. Thus,...
The forecasts made by managers from the construction industry indicate positive growth prospects in 2014, due, on the one hand, to the budget of almost 9 billion EUR available for investment and, on...


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