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TOP: Suppliers invest in order to increase market share

The local market of construction materials could fall during this year below the level of 3 billion EUR reported in 2012 given that the construction industry continued to register a downward trend. In these circumstances, the manufacturers and suppliers of materials focused on deliveries towards renovation projects, infrastructure projects and exports, which continued to support the profile market, although at a minimum level. It is expected that this trend will also be maintained in 2014. However, the companies from the industry continue to invest in the expansion of the manufacturing capacity and the launching of new products, despite the almost constant decrease of the domestic consumption. Overall, 2014 should be a period of repositioning for the competitors in the domain of building materials as well as a time for resuming development at a slow pace. The main deciding factor in the purchase of products will still remain the price, most often at the expense of quality. The local production of construction materials increased by 2.7% in the first six months of this year compared to the same period in 2012, after it suffered a contraction of 5.4 % in June in rapport with the same month of last year, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS). Thus, a temporization of the rate of production is recorded, after increases of up to 10 % in the previous reporting periods. Since the volume of construction in the first six months of the year decreased by 6.8% compared to the first half of 2012, the slight increase in production can be attributed to exports.
Likewise with the ranking of the 500 main contractors, the analysis of the market leading suppliers for construction and installation (TOP 500 suppliers 2012-2013) includes selected information about the most significant companies involved in the field, sorted by the turnover registered last year. The complete source data is available electronically and can be purchased separately and includes as well other information in tables and charts, which could not be submitted in paper format because of the limitations of editorial space allotted.


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