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BILKA starts the production of sandwich panels in 2017

Bilka Steel company, the leader of the local roofing market, ended 2014 with a turnover of 134 million RON (over 30 million EUR), up 29% compared to 2013. According to the available data, more than 4 million square meters of roofing metal were produced and commercialized last year, the company becoming, thus, the largest consumer of local pre-painted sheet with over 30,000 tons purchased. For 2015, the company has proposed a 15% increase in sales and the continuation of the investment plan of 5 million EUR started in 2014, aiming in particular at the increase and diversification of the manufacturing process. However, Bilka aims at starting the production of sandwich panels at the latest in 2017. The first step in this direction was made in 2014 through the acquisition and renovation of the halls of Romlag. The company owns an industrial center in Brașov with an area of 45,000 square meters and made sales across the country, through 500 distributors. "Most likely we will start the production of Bilka sandwich panels during the next two years. In 2014, through the acquisition and renovation of the halls of Romlag, we took the first step towards the development of the industrial division", said Horatiu Tepes, the owner of Bilka. From the structural point of view, the metal tiles remained a top seller, accounting for 54% of all businesses, followed by accessories, cladding and insulation panels (31%) and rainwater systems (gutter, pipe), which represents 15 % of the annual turnover. In what concerns the favorite colors of clients, last year the company has experienced an increase of demand for dark shades (brown, chocolate or black), representing approximately 50% of the total of two million square meters of products sold. "We consider 2014 as the best year in the history of Bilka, given that the financial performance was well above the average one of the competitors in this market and in accordance with the objectives set at the beginning of the year: 3 million EUR investments, the purchase of new halls, carried out on a land with an area of 27,000 square meters, two new production lines and about 26,000 houses covered with Bilka metal roofing", said Horatiu Tepes.


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