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The goal of improving the performance level and quality combinations of windows and curtain walls is mandatory for the evolution of the industry and constitute a prerequisite for the current...
Despite the economic growth announced by the National Institute for Statistics (INS) - and evaluated to + 4.8% in 2016 - the construction market in Romania is back in recession by statistical point...
Based on data provided by Eurostat regarding the production of PVC joinery in our country (including value and quantitative indicators) and according some predictions of the National Commission for...
The industry of architectural aluminum profiles seems to be fully recovered after a long recession, at least in its peak segment, dominated by high performance solutions, dedicated to projects with...
One of the most important documents on the European Commission (EC) agenda, at this moment, is represented by the regulation aimed at putting into practice the provisions of Directive 2009/125/ EC...
The changing real estate landscape will have substantial implications for the real estate investment community, according to an analysis entitled "Real Estate 2020 - Building the Future",...
It's been a long period since the innovative materials "invaded" the windows and curtain walls market, being used in in most unexpected projects. The beneficial effects were not delayed,...
The provisions of the EU directive on energy efficiency of existing buildings (EPBD) that have been completely transposed into Europe 20-20-20 strategy with significant scope for expansion by the...
Within the framework of the 30th edition of the National Real Estate Fair in Romania (Timon), which took place on 20-23 October 2016, there were launched residential projects totaling 6,500...


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