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The local construction market will stabilize in the near future, according to the opinions of the sector company representatives, both system suppliers, and specialized entrepreneurs estimating...
According to the information published by the Institute of Statistics (INS), the first flash estimations related to the evolution of Romania’s gross domestic product in the second quarter of...
The evolution of the main macroeconomic indicators during the first quarter of 2011, along with various government ordinances intended to stimulate the business environment create the premises for...
In 2012, the constructions sector will benefit from the advantages of starting an election year, this being the main factor invoked by sector company representatives, regarding a possible market...
Official statistics are increasingly favourable, confirming the overcoming of the recession period, at least theoretically. The latest available data indicates, for the first three months of 2011,...
The depreciation of the main macroeconomic indicators, increased in the last quarter of 2009, will generate - at least in the next 6 months - a further activity drop on the national constructions...
For Romania as well, the last part of October has represented a period defined by fears related to the possible start of a new recession wave, due to the sovereign debt crisis of certain Euro...
If within two or three years, the recession is included in the category of unpleasant experiences necessary for consolidating in Romania a viable market economy, the moment when the end of this...


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