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NEW! The November-December issue of Fereastra magazine has been published

The November-December issue of the Fereastra magazine, which contains data and information about the current situation and market forecasts for the Romanian and international joinery sector, is now available. The magazine includes topics about the evolution of the industry, information about manufacturers of windows/doors and systems/materials suppliers, and also other economical, technical and legislation aspects. On the news section of the magazine are outlined the main issues that have an significant impact on the joinery market, such as the fact that the compliance of the communication principles, the transparency and professionalism represents one of the few ways that can lead to fixing problems related to recession. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!


Vizualizaţi acum şi valorificaţi toate oportunităţile!
Ştiri de calitate și informaţii de afaceri pentru piaţa de construcţii, instalaţii, tâmplărie şi domeniile conexe. Articolele publicate includ:
- Ştiri de actualitate, legislaţie, informaţii statistice, tendinţe şi analize tematice;
- Informaţii despre noi investiţii, lucrări, licitaţii şi şantiere;
- Declaraţii şi comentarii ale principalilor factori de decizie /formatori de opinie;
- Sinteza unor studii de piaţă realizate de către organizaţii abilitate;
- Date despre noile produse şi tehnologii lansate pe piaţă.

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