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Windows software suppliers have to adapt quickly to the new market conditions

If someone tries to make a deep analysis of sales evolution, taking into consideration - in the first place - the period of maximum efficiency of the activity of software suppliers, this task is hard to carry out. Nevertheless, one could suppose that each specialized segment registered a growth placed at least on the level corresponding to the window producer branch, which was about 30% per year, until 2008. It is obvious that the specific fluctuations of the recession period followed the general trend, and the investment plans were modifying again. This is why, in 2009/2010 the software segment faced with certain depreciation, from the financial point of view. Although in 2011 the decrease was somehow slow, being the first sign of a certain recovery, in the first nine months of the current year the managers were forced to modify once again the development budgets, and this action generated a real slowdown of the demand on the market of the additionally systems. Nowadays, it seems that, from the amount point of view, the local segment of window software suppliers is assessed at most 1.2 million euro, corresponding to approximately 25.000 licenses (from the beginning of activity until the present days). In 2009 and 2010, the activity of companies in the field of software registered an average decrease of 30%, the evolution being linked with the trend of thermal insulating joinery branch. In the absence of any relevant information about the real dynamics of the national market (or even at the global level), a good analysis could be made by using the list of main suppliers, developed by the analysts of Fereastra Magazine. Thus, the five greatest companies active on Romanian market reported for 2011 a turnover growth of 13.54% in relation to 2010, when the incomes were about 0.46 million euro. The increase occurs after a long period of decrease (-39.25% in 2009, and -27.38% in 2010), the biggest amount being reported in 2008 (1.05 million euro). Unlike other segments of analyzed field, this one has experienced successively big looses during the economical crisis, and did not succeed to recover yet. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!


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