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ARCHITECTURE: The Office - the newest office building in Cluj-Napoca

Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi, the general manager of Andreescu & Gaivoronschi office of architecture and the President of Timis branch of the Order of Architects of Romania (OAR Timis), said that the main project on which he is presently working is the office and trade building - The Office - located between Blvd. 21 Decembrie and Canalul Morii, in Cluj-Napoca. "The entire assembly will consist of three parts erected in different stages, with a height of 2S+P+5E+P.H. and a general cornice at the fifth floor," said the architect. The Office is currently at the ground level, after the moulded walls and two levels of underground parking (slab and intermediate level) have been made. The whole project is divided into three phases of execution, and the first one will be accomplished in April 2014. The Office will be the first A class project of this kind from Transylvania and will meet the international standards from the field in terms of concept, energy efficiency, size, quality and facilities, in order to be certified in the BREEAM system. "The underground floors will have the required height to allow the installation of hydraulic systems. Among the functions that will complement the spaces for institutions, a theatre-style conference center will be made and the place will have the possibility of being redistributed in a canteen and two coffee shops, according to the needs of occupants", added Vlad Gaivoronschi. The complex is characterized, first, by the continuity of the fronts on three sides (south, east and north) and through the penetration of the covered gate type streets, designed to maintain the specific typology of the old city with public gangs. Another element of vocabulary space will be represented by the two open atrium courts. Amongst other projects conducted by Andreescu & Gaivoronschi company is the fifth and final building of the assembly Timisoara City Business Centre. "We are also working on single-family housing, as well as projects for the Orthodox Archdiocese of Timisoara: the church form Square Badea Cartan and the replacement of the front steps of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Timisoara", said Vlad Gaivoronschi. 


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