Košík je prázdný
Based on the initial list of 500 systems, equipment and accessories suppliers compiled by the Fereastra magazine experts, in this year emerged some relevant aspects for the most important companies...
As is known, in the field of insulating windows, the most affected area during the recession was the one specialized in providing the processing equipment. Such a situation was, moreover,...
The technical innovation represents the main element which boost the worldwide building industry, on all its segments. Although it seems hard to believe that new elements may be added in a field...
Modern science provides numerous special passive fire protection solutions, many of which are designed to protect steel structures from the destructive effects that high temperatures can exert on...
The shading systems industry, which was positively influenced by seasonal factors, especially the climatic changes occurred lately, is closely related to fluctuations in the volume of construction...
A meaningful analysis of the current situation and the perspectives of development of local industry of glazing for architectural applications, whether is about the segment of glass or the one of...
Electricity consumption is on a pronounced upward trend and the prospects of slowing down in the future are virtually absent. The main factors supporting this situation are, on the one hand,...
There is not a secret that the glass has a decisive role in shaping the architectural trends of the future, this material being preferred by designers in their quest to harness the power and...
Through the adoption of Law no. 177/2015 in force already since 12 months and which amended Law no. 10/1995 on construction quality, the legislator established that checking the quality of work...


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