Košík je prázdný
According to the early estimates of the European Statistics Office Eurostat, after the first three quarters this year in the European Union is recorded a general economic growth, with few countries...
In recent years - and even during the recession - Faure Rom company, specialized in providing hardware systems for gates and doors, recorded an average increase of 8% of the turnover and profits. An...
Building curtain wall technology has evolved rapidly during the past century and exponentially since 2000. Glazing elements  increasingly bold and which could not even be imagined a few decades...
After the first nine months of this year when reported an increase in revenues, the managers of the company Trionic expects to end the current financial year in a similar way like the previous...
The strategy adopted by the thermal insulating joinery manufacturer  Electric Plus, the owner of trademark Barrier, implies an increase, to the end of 2015, of the investment plan of 10 million...
For companies active in the windows and doors field, create and maintain the mark (so-called "branding process") should be a central element of the development strategy, culminating...
In 2015, the association of producers of thermal insulating joinery (PPTT) has activated in adverse circumstances, amid the ongoing difficulties encountered by economic activity nationwide. Some of...
The first nine months in 2015 were beneficial for Alukönigstahl Romania, the supplier of aluminum, PVC and steel systems managing to report a growth of 11% in revenues. Under this circumstances, the...
Fire resistance of materials which are part of buildings envelopes, regardless of destination, is a characteristic of the utmost importance, risks arising from the likelihood of a fire being real,...


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