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FURTHER growth for the major panel suppliers

Based on the initial list of 500 systems, equipment and accessories suppliers compiled by the Fereastra magazine experts, in this year emerged some relevant aspects for the most important companies active on the segment of ornamental panels for doors manufacture, which are based on an analysis carried out with some degree of accuracy. In general, if we take into account the specific market in the last eight years, at the first glance it can be seen that the dramatic changes experienced by other firms in the branch windows and doors were not noted as acute for the suppliers of components for doors, as their turnover kept the growing trend within the years 2008 and 2015. For many managers, the recession was, in fact, an opportunity to optimize the market shares, given that the sector has remained relatively dynamic, including through increased exports. Last year, these suppliers reported earnings unlike others in the industry. The situation was optimal for the panels segment, which recorded a relatively significant increase compared to the slight increase in the previous 12 months. Regarding the combined revenues of the 20 major companies involved in the manufacture of panels (which have provided complete data for the previous financial year), it is found that they increased in 2015 by 9% (to 96 million euro), compared to 2014 when they recorded a total turnover of 88 million euro (+ 5% YoY). In this regard it is noted that after the atypical increase of 18% in 2009, which brought revenues to 51 million euro (as of the benchmark 2008 stood at 43 million euro), subsequent ascension has been uninterrupted (+ 6% in 2010 to 54 million euro, + 26% in the next 12 months, up to 68 million euros and + 2% in 2012 to 70 million, followed by major leap of + 21% to 84 million in 2013, an increase by + 5% in 2014 to 88 million euro and then by + 9% in 2015 to 96 million euro). All of this meant not only lack of any losses, but also additional earnings.


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